The Priest class is a caster healing or dps class. A Priest wears only cloth which makes the choice of primary professions quite easy.
Tailoring and Enchanting
Usually Priests take tailoring -
enchanting combination. Why? It’s very simple. Because they are able to craft
their own gear and on higher levels even epic gear which is really good
pre-raiding gear. A good tailor can also make embroidery for pants which will
save him some gold and also improve his stats. No matter if a Priest chooses to
be a shadow or a healing Priest tailoring will suit him since he or she can
craft both dps and healing gear. Enchanting is the only profession that fits
tailoring perfect because of the disenchanting skill one gets with it.
Enchanting for Priests is also a very nice profession. Priests can enchant
their gear while they are leveling which makes their performance better, and on
higher level it’s very useful because of the nice enchants one can put on the
gear. There are also some enchants that only enchanters can do on themselves,
like ring enchants. With this performance of the Priest will be increased
compared to other Priests that don’t have enchanting as one of their primary
Alchemy and Herbalism
These two professions could be also
good for a Priest. By becoming a pot or elixir master you will be able to make
nice and useful potions, elixirs and flasks. Especially if your character is
PVE based that likes to raid and do instances, this two professions will prove
very useful and will make you and save you a lot of gold. Another good reason
to level up Alchemy is the Alchemist stone, a trinket that one could get even
on level 70 with the Alchemy skill on 350, and with The Sha'tar reputation
raised to Revered. With the Wrath of the Lich King expansion this trinket could
be upgraded to few better trinkets depending on your class and spec. For Priests
Mercurial Alchemist stone is a great trinket because it gives the wearer 40%
increased effect of the mana and healing potions. It also increases the wearers
spell power by 59 and improves haste rating by 50. Before the WOTLK expansion
pots had only 2 minutes cooldown and depending on the fight length could be
taken few times, which was especially nicer
for the healing classes. Now pots per fight have been cut down to one.
With this trinket a Priest can benefit greatly no matter if he or she is a
healing or dps Priest. With Herbalism also comes a new buff called Life Blood
which heals you for 2000 over 5 seconds. Priests have a lot of
healing spells already but still one more could prove useful.
These two combination pairs are
great for a Priest. Except these profession combinations Priests have the
freedom to take anything they would like. If they would choose to take
Jewelcrafting they could benefit from making soulbound gems which have a bit
more stats then the ones another Jewelcrafter could craft for them or they
could buy on the Auction House. If they would take Engineering there is also a
benefit of making the special kind of goggles and other head gear and mana and
healing potion injectors to save some spaces in the bags.